Manage Admission Enquiries like a Boss

Academia ERP / SIS
2 min readNov 14, 2022


Ask us and we would promptly reply, you are being insane to even demand your administrative staff to process thousands of applications manually. Have you forgotten all about the famous saying, “to err is human”?

Along the same lines, humans make mistakes, but machines do not. What you need is a robust admission management system. Be you a school, college, or training institute — with education ERP software you get the added benefits of managing your admission structure and monitoring the admission process of each applicant easily. It is a fast, transparent, and easy way, that helps you sail through the admission process easily.

Signs you need admission management software now

  1. If you are loaded with paperwork

If you feel you might collapse one day under the burden of paperwork, application filing, and file storage and management you need an education ERP solution with the admission management system. The system automatically stores applications, applicant data, and verification documents at ease in the cloud database.

2. When a task is using a lot many human resources

You are a smart person, there is no need for us to explain that human resources are one of the most expensive things at your institute. If there is one pesky task that is eating up the productivity and time of many people in the organization you need a software.

An education ERP software would serve as a single system that can replace the need for dedicating tens of people in the organization as it automates the processes. Now, your staff would only be required to monitor the processes and intervene only when it is most essential. Time-saving, money-saving, happy employees — do you need any more reasons to switch to Education ERP?

3. You never find the right information at the right time

Time is money, and you would know it because you are missing out on a large pile of applications because you are not able to access the right information at the right time to assist applicants. It is not your fault. When you are handling the institute with paper-bound operations you are expected to witness these crunches. You need a system that gives you the information in seconds.

An admission management software centralizes the data in one place and allows role-based access to the administrative staff. Meaning, enjoy access to information from anywhere, anytime, and assist your applicants to become a part of your institute.

Wrapping Up

This was only a way to manage your admission process. But there is more. Education ERP software is here to give you digital transformation. Know more about the functionalities and features of an Education ERP from our tech experts.



Academia ERP / SIS

Academia ERP/ SIS is a comprehensive suite that streamlines the complete student life cycle from Enquiry to Graduation as well as administrative processes.