How Analytics is Helping Educational Institutions Achieve Desired Results

Academia ERP / SIS
4 min readJul 5, 2021


Higher education institutions generally are now focusing on understanding advanced analytics that are helping them transform the way they work by enabling and creating new ways to engage current and prospective students, increasing student enrollment, improving student retention, completion rates, and even boost faculty productivity and research. There are many leaders of colleges who are operating and achieving outcomes and improvements using analytics. Let’s discuss how analytics is helping educational institutions to achieve desired results.

  • Knowledge of the demographics and behavior

Using advanced analytics, institutions can opt for digital transformation along with understanding and recognizing constant demographic trends and behavior in pursuing administrative services. Using this, students or any age group can opt for education having the opportunity to learn remotely as the colleges or universities can maintain records properly understanding and recognizing the demographics at times.

  • Enhancing the resources

Having an analytics and reporting engine you can enhance and optimize your targets in a proper way. Organizations that choose a well-designed and systematic analytical system that can capture, manage, share, and store more information online easily, and if any problem arises you can de-escalate any institutional problem easily.

  • Recruiting the students

Higher education institutions, universities, schools, or even any educational institution often face various challenges opting for traditional modes. Having proper analytics and reporting can become easier to recruit students in a more proper way. For example, if you are opting for a predictive model to define which applicants are most likely to be the best fit for the institution if they will get admitted. It will help the administration to find the best candidates.

  • Guiding the students properly

Institutions can have a proper and systematic approach of teaching to the students, as having the power of modern educational systems enables faculties to get more insights related to student’s performance- furnishing absolute opportunities to grab and learn. Students also get the opportunity to learn according to their speed and priorities, having courses and facilities remain just a few clicks away to assist anytime.

  • Creating data transparency

Institutions involve various tasks that you can not access anytime when required using the manual system, but using analytics institutions are achieving and getting anything any time creating data transparency for the administrators, faculties, and students.

Having data transparency through analytics, institutions will be able to take a snapshot of how students are engaged and how well they are performing, the management can also check the efficiency of faculties and how excellent teaching is taking place. Using advanced analytics, institutions can maintain a clear and clarified data transparency that can be accessed anytime by any authoritative person.

  • Determining higher education efficiency

Determining and demonstrating is one of the most significant parts of higher education, institutions can use it to attain maximum profits. Institutions can also use analytics to provide more effective and efficient interventions to have success and persistence. It helps in managing various roles and responsibilities along with getting real-time solutions for them. By implementing analytics you can bring various positive changes in your institution like in culture, policy, process, everything takes a new shape providing efficiency and growth in many ways.

  • Overall improvement of administrative services

Analytics is helping institutions to improve their administrative services by having a systematic approach and an ERP system that can regulate entire campus operations like student admission, student enrollment, recruitment of faculties, examination management, and many more things in effective and efficient ways. Advanced analytics also enables institutions to improve and strengthen their capabilities enabling the digital transformation of the institution.

  • Focusing on the lower cost of education

This is one of the most important factors that help educational institutions to choose analytics. Proper implementation of analytics helps in saving a lot of the cost of the educational institutions having a systematic approach of teaching, learning, by balancing all the academic and administrative operations easily. Proper implementation of every task brings more productivity in students that ultimately saves a lot of costs that bring growth and revenue for the institution.

Check out our recent webinar on How Analytics is Playing a Crucial Role in Transforming Higher Education:


Analytics are now getting established in almost all fields providing various benefits in unbelievable ways. With systematic analytics, institutions can provide insights into students’ and faculty’s behavior along with understanding their use of data. Institutions can attempt and improve their overall experience through implementing analytics and reporting engines or in simpler words having an education management system.

So, does the above information seem interesting? If yes, then Academia allows educational institutions to focus on their entire administrative tasks and assist in all the internal and external activities through analytics and reporting. So contact now to have a free and demonstrated demo.

This article is originally posted here:



Academia ERP / SIS

Academia ERP/ SIS is a comprehensive suite that streamlines the complete student life cycle from Enquiry to Graduation as well as administrative processes.