Examination Management System

Academia ERP / SIS
3 min readMay 16, 2018


Examination Management: Automation

Examinations are a scary subject to even discuss especially for students and it's even scarier when it comes to teachers, staff members, School/College/ University. Examinations require very smooth functioning of exams and it is dependent on managers establishing the processes and a working relationship with the Exam Centre Manager. Also communicating these with staff and students ensures everyone is working towards the same goal. Automated systems can bring all the hassle related to examination management to ease.

Academia ERP is a comprehensive educational ERP system that provides an Examination Module which covers all the activities related to management of examination directly from receipt of Enrollment Forms and Examination Forms through the processing of Results and Printing of Certificates and Statistical Reports etc. The Examination module involves all the necessary forms that are needed for the student to fill up to register for exams. The module is connected to the student database; therefore, it helps in retrieving all necessary information about the student on just filling in the Id/ name/ enrolment etc.

Academia’s Examination module provides the followings for easy and effective management of examinations at the institute- Academic or examination module follows systematic workflow beginning for pre-examination setup, student marks update to defining different reports etc.:

Pre-Examinations Preparation

• Exam Notifications
• Exam courses and student registration
• Exam Schedule
Exam Day
• Exam Student Attendance Management
Post Exam
• Student performance and mark entries
• Grade, Percentage, GPA, CGPA management
• Result preparation
Overall Reports for the exam and Marksheet management
• Reports for result analysis

Academia ERP examination system can help you reap benefits for your institutes:

• Automated processes for exams at all the stages.
• Save time and energy of the staff.
• Reduce duplication of the work and also make it error-free.
• Auto-work on student’s progress report which ultimately helps in improving learning outcomes.
• Eliminate manual forms and hence paper-less processes.
• Simplify exam processes to make it easy and transparent.

Exam Management module in Academia ERP is an excellent automation system that can effectively automate and streamline planning and execution of the exams, and it has been designed to make the examination processes efficient and also paper free. Academia’s Exam Management portal helps you to automate the entire examination process from Pre-exam preps like the creation of test papers, Exam timetable,and grading criteria etc. to handling logistics and allocating invigilators. The automation systems are designed to manage access permissions for different users to prevent misuse and mismanagement of legal and official data by an unauthorized user for not only exam info but various other data as well.

Image source: freepik.com, academiaerp.com

For any more queries related to Examination Management System, you can contact us for a Free Demonstration Session at +91-731-4010735.



Academia ERP / SIS

Academia ERP/ SIS is a comprehensive suite that streamlines the complete student life cycle from Enquiry to Graduation as well as administrative processes.